Export Compliance

The global market is constantly evolving. In recent decades it has become an increasingly competitive and complex context, which exposes economic operators to ever greater risks and uncertainties. A long history of excesses and illegalities in the business and government sectors has led to the implementation of legal sanctions, new governance practices and increasingly stringent compliance standards.


In the past, the Export Control activity was primarily focused on the danger that dual-use products were used for illegal purposes. And if lately the concerns regarding the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and terrorism have only increased, serious apprehensions have also arisen regarding the increase in money laundering and the flow of payments not subjected to the necessary control. Additionally, further risks were included to encompass the violations of sanctions, embargoes, and other restrictive export measures as well as administrative and/or criminal sanctions already payable in case of infringement of the laws.


And if the European Commission has already defined strategic priorities in the field of Export Controls since 2014, establishing that the efforts made to the benefit of Compliance must be recognized through a certain facilitation of controls and the provision of preferential lanes within the export processes, the 2019 recasting of the Dual Use Regulation has definitively included, among the requirements necessary to obtain export licenses, the adoption and implementation of an internal Compliance Program specialized in Export.


In this context, we provide support to companies in the management and mitigation of the risk of non-compliance during all phases of the export process, in compliance with laws, regulations, legislation and codes of conduct.


The model, customized to our customers’ business, supports the company’s objectives, simultaneously identifying the boundaries of legal and ethical behavior and establishing a risk management system in a “foreign” operation.